Sunday, May 8, 2016

Diva Challenges 265 Stripes and 266 Crux

Some weeks are more difficult than others.  Last weekend my daughter moved out.  On Saturday we packed the van and on Sunday we made the move.  And even though we spend our lives as parents preparing that child to be independent and capable and do everything we can to make sure those wings are strong, it's still a little sad when indeed they fly away.  Fortunately (for me) she has not flown far, And I know my husband and I will enjoy our empty nest.  Still, I will miss the pitter patter.  :)

Well ... all that to say, I did not complete last week's Diva challenge (#265 Stripes) on time, and this week's challenge (#266 Crux) is barely going to make it.  Nevertheless, here they are:

Diva Challenge #265 - Stripes

Diva Challenge #266 - Crux

Oh!  Happy Mother's Day everybody.


  1. Both tiles are beautiful and I love the color in them. When my daughter moved out, she went to UK (I live in the Netherlands) and years later she moved to Switzerland. That was not easy for me, but ..... when she comes to visit now it's always for a few days and we enjoy every second. My son lives only 9 km from here and when I see him it's just for a couple of hours. So .......

  2. Both are very lovely! Especially I like your stripes tile ... it´s beautiful!
