Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Inchie: BIG

Capturing something "BIG" on a square inch is rather amusing to me.  The first thing that came to mind was the Tom Hanks movie and Tom nibbling on that tiny ear of corn.  I couldn't quite figure out how to put that on paper though - and of course, baby corn could only define "little."  Next choice - something that is REALLY BIG:  an elephant.  Speaking of elephants, have you seen the recent NOVA program on PBS - Wild Ways?  It's about "cutting-edge solutions for making room for wildlife on an ever-more crowded planet."  Worth the watch.  Have a great week!


  1. I thought of the film Big too!! But agree - how to portray it!! Love your Big elephant.

  2. We need all the elephants we can get - I remember meeting a 6 month old one back in 1974 & I wonder how big he is now. I shall have to keep an eye for the program.


  3. I love your elephant - great idea (I did one too lol) Y0u even have the little mousie. Nice inchie

  4. love the inchie and love the sound of the show

  5. Cute elephant and thanks for the insight into the PBS program, I thoroughly enjoy those nature programs. I keep singing Peter Gabriel's song myself. But what to do?! Great fun. Cheryl
