Tuesday, August 29, 2017

DC 331 Petoskey Stones

I don't think I've ever seen Petoskey stones before.  They're beautiful ... a perfect motivation for tangling.  Jane Reiter provided so many lovely ideas to get us started.  Next I need to learn more about the stones!


  1. Very nice Stones, I know I'd love to see them in person the pics look so interesting.

  2. How pretty your Petoskey Stone turned out. I'd never heard of them before either, so this was really a fun challenge.

  3. A great challenge, isn't it? You did very well.

  4. It seems we were all quite taken with the Petoskey Stone challenge. They really are one of my new favorite things. They are also a great tangle prompt as evidenced by your work.

  5. Beautiful! I like your asymmetrical shapes... I have trouble doing that! Wonderful colour!
