Monday, May 29, 2017

DC #318 Diptych

This week I finally managed to stay awake to watch Laura create her tile "live" on Twitch.  I missed the first few minutes when she explained what the challenge was, so I decided to just copy what she was doing.  Once Mooka was drawn, however, I decided to do my own thing.  Eventually I learned that the two sides should more or less mirror one another.  I guess mine do ... more or less.  While I think the tile calls for a little more "dark" in its center, I'm happy enough with the results.  I may try to complete another Diptych, but if not ... oh well.  :)

I don't often complete projects other than the weekly tiles (work and life take up so much time).  But this week, I decided to try something else.  I've enjoyed seeing what happens when food coloring is dropped onto wet watercolor paper.  The color is so vibrant, and when dry it doesn't clog the microns - good attributes.  I think the first attempt (below) would have been nicer without the blue (it was so dark).

But I went ahead and tangled it anyway.  This piece is about 8.5 x 8.5:

I found that using a little white pencil helped make the tangling on dark spaces visible.

A second piece in blue and green:

This time I used a silver gel pen to highlight otherwise almost invisible lines.

By the way, I discovered that Strathmore's Watercolor Paper for Practice is really quite nice for tangling.  It's a good weight, has a bit of tooth, and it's not expensive.


  1. Your Mooka is awesome! The diptych is quite nicely created :)

  2. Sometimes, not knowing the complete directions leads us into fun places, as this tile did for you. I love the sideways angle to it. Food coloring! Great idea. Certainly makes for bright colors, and I love your finished tile!

  3. Well done! Mooka is gorgeous and I love your colored pieces;-)

  4. I love your diptych! Terrific lines and composition. Great Mooka and shading. Fabulous food colouring tiles! I'm going to have to try that!

  5. That Diptych tile is gorgeous! And the blue and green one .... beautiful as well.

  6. I like the diptych very much - it's definitely in the spirit of the thing. I truly love the blue/green piece, partly because of the vibrant colours and partly because you used Yuma so well. It's a pattern I have problems with.
