Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Diva Challenge 373 Non-Dominant Hand

The challenge this week is to complete a tile using our non-dominant hand.  It's a type of challenge with which I'm familiar.  For the past 14 years I've been using the "non-dominant side of my brain" for my work.  I am NOT a math person at all, but I've been working in finance.  It has taken years, but I'm finally somewhat comfortable with the credit/debit thing.  What I am very comfortable with is spreadsheets.  To me, spreadsheets are all about being able to see a pattern and work with it.  I leave the formulas to take care of the math.  :)

Well, all that to say that while using my left hand is definitely challenging, I've found that by working slowly, I can draw with my non-dominant hand.  I must say every time I switched patterns or moved on to shading, my right hand wanted badly to take over.  It was by no means as relaxing nor are the lines as smooth, but as with most challenging situations something can be accomplished by pressing on.  So, here's my tile ...


  1. It's hard to tell that this is with your non dominant hand. Lovely tile.

  2. Yay spreadsheets! I worked on Excel in my career at Microsoft. Love it or hate it, Excel keeps the world spinning. Looking at your tile I can say that you don't really have a non dominant hand. It looks stopping and confident.

  3. Oh geeze... Not stopping and confident...I meant strong and confident. Proofread, Duchess. Proofread!
