Tuesday, January 30, 2018

DC 349 Rumpus

Rick and Maria Thomas's granddaughter named this tangle ... because she liked the word.  Seems like a good reason to me! 

So I put the thought "no mistakes in Zentangle" to the test tonight.  After completing the black inked Rumpus, I thought I'd add a white pen Rumpus.  First I had problems with the pen, and then discovered I didn't really have room to add enough of the pattern for it to make sense.  But I pressed on and added the remaining white lines.  Some shading, some purple gel pen highlights, and voilla!  Done.  Not awesome, but lessons learned.  


  1. With every tile, you learn a bit more and I like this one very much, especially for the wonderful shadow, the white behind... You have created beautiful depth in this work.

  2. I do like the white lines around Rumpus itself!
