Monday, December 12, 2016

DC 297 - Holiday Bash

Laura's Diva Challenge this week was to revisit one of her previous holiday challenges.  Since I did not start this journey at the beginning, I decided to visit all of the links she provided.  What fun to watch the boys grow and to see Laura's vlog in year 2 I think.  Anyway, I decided to go with the Gift theme.

Sometime in the last few weeks I came across someone who had tangled 3 dimensional stars.  Loved the idea (and I'm sorry I can't remember who to credit).  Below is the same star - first flat, then photographed folded against red fleece blanket and finally, folded and photographed against a favorite old sweater.   I haven't yet decided to whom I shall give the star, but a gift it will be!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday!


  1. Such a pretty star!! Great pattern choice.

  2. You reminded me that I forgot to post my star. The pattern came from Cris Letourneau, CZT at this page:
    Yours is beautifully done!

  3. Pretty star! Aren't they so fun!?! I have been making these myself.

  4. Your star is beautiful. I need to Google that to see if I can produce one. They would make nice little gifts.

  5. That 'someone' will be very pleased with this beautiful star!

  6. Elegant Star! Aren't they FUN? Merry Christmas! :)

  7. Wonderful results, I love them all!!!
    I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
