Thursday, November 24, 2016

DC 294

The challenge is to use the Zentangle folks' Reticula & Fragment tangling elements.  Unfortunately, I have not seen their book, so I used the Diva's example as a starting place.  Here's mine:

The fun part about this was that at every step I thought it might make a good stopping place.  From here, I could definitely add shading and maybe "stripe" some of the lines.  I want to learn more.


  1. You did the right thing and it looks super! It would be fun to do some shading on this later.

  2. Love the red and black - it really makes the tile sing - it's a bit festive!

  3. This is terrific! So striking! And all those little lines! Wow!

  4. What a beautiful tile! Wonderful look with red and black! You did a great job!
