Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Diva Challenge 273: Remix!

Our challenge this week was to take an old tile that maybe needed a little Ooomph, remix it (by adding to the tile) and voilla - #273 is complete!

Here's my old tile.  Indeed it is old - from July 2011 - only a month after I first discovered Zentangle. It was my (rather sad) attempt at Mooka.

It sat in the box - definitely unfinished and I really never had a clue of what to do with the poor thing, but this Remix Challenge spurred me on ... to just go for it.  So I added the new tangle "Funsin" by Yu Ru Chen (introduced on 6/27/16 by TanglePatterns.com) as well as a few other bits.  Here's the result.

Happy tangling!


  1. I like that you took a tile from in the beginning and gave it new life with your more advanced skills. It's good to see how far we have gone. Love that you used the new tangle here too.

  2. The second one looks so 'rich' :-)

  3. Great idea to pick one of your very first tiles. The Mooka is really pretty good; just needed something more around it to let it shine. The tangles you used on the remix did just that. Very nicely done.

  4. Beautiful remix and your Mooka is just fine. It's one of those tangles that people tend to either really love or really hate. Yours looks great and the remix really finished it nicely!
