Saturday, January 23, 2016

Diva Challenge 251

It was a year ago that I completed my first Diva Challenge for Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day.  I never posted it because it didn't get completed for several weeks after the challenge, but it marked a beginning for completing challenges and for knowing about Moebius Syndrome.  Artoo ... we salute you!  Because of you (and your Mom) we know about Moebius Syndrome.  And it's always good to learn something new.  So above is this year's Moebius logo.  Below is my first effort.  It wasn't the actual logo, but an effort at a moebius strip.  I'm struggling to post a good photo, but you get the idea.


  1. Your tiles are lovely, I am especially taken with the second larger piece. Beautiful line work and detail.

  2. Great tiles. I like the hearts on the first. And the background pattern on the second looks also so fantastic.

  3. Both tiles are wonderful and your linework on the second one in particular is very well done. Nice tribute to the Diva and her son!
