Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Diva Challenge: 236

Our challenge this week was to tangle on something we might not normally use.  An Altoids box certainly fit that requirement for me!  I was surprised that the ink actually stuck to the metal box (although it does smear if not careful).    Perhaps the most difficult part of this choice was that shading wasn't possible - though I attempted to used micro dots to simulate shading on the Tropicana.  Semi-successful.  I like the challenge ... and love seeing what other people have done.


  1. Sweetie tins, another great idea. Lovely choice of tangles. It will be interesting to see if the ink dries out and becomes smudge free,

  2. Fun idea to tangle the altoids box! Now I am going to have to try that!

  3. I think because it's a metal box it has a special touch. It seems to shine a little bit and though there is no shading it has depth in it.
    The color of the box fits perfectly.
    Very good choice!

  4. Great idea. I'm now eyeing my own Altoid boxes, of which I seem to have accumulated plenty. Hmmm...

  5. Love Altoids!!! Especially love the box you have created! Lovely work! :0)

  6. Wow, that took some courage to tangle on metal! It turned out so well.
